from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, RootModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from ..models.angle import Angle
from ..models.annotation_options import AnnotationOptions
from ..models.annotation_type import AnnotationType
from ..models.camera_drag_interaction_type import CameraDragInteractionType
from ..models.camera_movement import CameraMovement
from ..models.camera_view_state import CameraViewState
from ..models.color import Color
from ..models.component_transform import ComponentTransform
from ..models.cut_type import CutType
from ..models.distance_type import DistanceType
from ..models.entity_type import EntityType
from ..models.extruded_face_info import ExtrudedFaceInfo
from ..models.image_format import ImageFormat
from ..models.import_file import ImportFile
from ..models.input_format3d import InputFormat3d
from ..models.length_unit import LengthUnit
from ..models.modeling_cmd_id import ModelingCmdId
from ..models.output_format2d import OutputFormat2d
from ..models.output_format3d import OutputFormat3d
from ..models.path_component_constraint_bound import PathComponentConstraintBound
from ..models.path_component_constraint_type import PathComponentConstraintType
from ..models.path_segment import PathSegment
from ..models.perspective_camera_parameters import PerspectiveCameraParameters
from ..models.point2d import Point2d
from ..models.point3d import Point3d
from ..models.scene_selection_type import SceneSelectionType
from ..models.scene_tool_type import SceneToolType
from ..models.transform import Transform
from ..models.unit_area import UnitArea
from ..models.unit_density import UnitDensity
from ..models.unit_length import UnitLength
from ..models.unit_mass import UnitMass
from ..models.unit_volume import UnitVolume
class OptionEngineUtilEvaluatePath(BaseModel):
"""Evaluates the position of a path in one shot (engine utility for kcl executor)"""
path_json: str
t: float
type: Literal["engine_util_evaluate_path"] = "engine_util_evaluate_path"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionStartPath(BaseModel):
"""Start a new path."""
type: Literal["start_path"] = "start_path"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMovePathPen(BaseModel):
"""Move the path's \"pen\". If you're in sketch mode, these coordinates are in the local coordinate system, not the world's coordinate system. For example, say you're sketching on the plane {x: (1,0,0), y: (0,1,0), origin: (0, 0, 50)}. In other words, the plane 50 units above the default XY plane. Then, moving the pen to (1, 1, 0) with this command uses local coordinates. So, it would move the pen to (1, 1, 50) in global coordinates."""
path: ModelingCmdId
to: Point3d
type: Literal["move_path_pen"] = "move_path_pen"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionExtendPath(BaseModel):
"""Extend a path by adding a new segment which starts at the path's \"pen\". If no \"pen\" location has been set before (via `MovePen`), then the pen is at the origin."""
path: ModelingCmdId
segment: PathSegment
type: Literal["extend_path"] = "extend_path"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionExtrude(BaseModel):
"""Command for extruding a solid 2d."""
distance: LengthUnit
faces: Optional[ExtrudedFaceInfo] = None
target: ModelingCmdId
type: Literal["extrude"] = "extrude"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSweep(BaseModel):
"""Extrude the object along a path."""
sectional: bool
target: ModelingCmdId
tolerance: LengthUnit
trajectory: ModelingCmdId
type: Literal["sweep"] = "sweep"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionRevolve(BaseModel):
"""Command for revolving a solid 2d."""
angle: Angle
axis: Point3d
axis_is_2d: bool
origin: Point3d
target: ModelingCmdId
tolerance: LengthUnit
type: Literal["revolve"] = "revolve"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DShellFace(BaseModel):
"""Command for shelling a solid3d face"""
face_ids: List[str]
hollow: bool = False
object_id: str
shell_thickness: LengthUnit
type: Literal["solid3d_shell_face"] = "solid3d_shell_face"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionRevolveAboutEdge(BaseModel):
"""Command for revolving a solid 2d about a brep edge"""
angle: Angle
edge_id: str
target: ModelingCmdId
tolerance: LengthUnit
type: Literal["revolve_about_edge"] = "revolve_about_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionLoft(BaseModel):
"""Command for lofting sections to create a solid"""
base_curve_index: Optional[int] = None
bez_approximate_rational: bool
section_ids: List[str]
tolerance: LengthUnit
type: Literal["loft"] = "loft"
v_degree: int
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionClosePath(BaseModel):
"""Closes a path, converting it to a 2D solid."""
path_id: str
type: Literal["close_path"] = "close_path"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCameraDragStart(BaseModel):
"""Camera drag started."""
interaction: CameraDragInteractionType
type: Literal["camera_drag_start"] = "camera_drag_start"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCameraDragMove(BaseModel):
"""Camera drag continued."""
interaction: CameraDragInteractionType
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["camera_drag_move"] = "camera_drag_move"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCameraDragEnd(BaseModel):
"""Camera drag ended"""
interaction: CameraDragInteractionType
type: Literal["camera_drag_end"] = "camera_drag_end"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraGetSettings(BaseModel):
"""Gets the default camera's camera settings"""
type: Literal["default_camera_get_settings"] = "default_camera_get_settings"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraGetView(BaseModel):
"""Gets the default camera's view state"""
type: Literal["default_camera_get_view"] = "default_camera_get_view"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraSetView(BaseModel):
"""Sets the default camera's view state"""
type: Literal["default_camera_set_view"] = "default_camera_set_view"
view: CameraViewState
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraLookAt(BaseModel):
"""Change what the default camera is looking at."""
center: Point3d
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["default_camera_look_at"] = "default_camera_look_at"
up: Point3d
vantage: Point3d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraPerspectiveSettings(BaseModel):
"""Change what the default camera is looking at."""
center: Point3d
fov_y: Optional[float] = None
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["default_camera_perspective_settings"] = (
up: Point3d
vantage: Point3d
z_far: Optional[float] = None
z_near: Optional[float] = None
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraZoom(BaseModel):
"""Adjust zoom of the default camera."""
magnitude: float
type: Literal["default_camera_zoom"] = "default_camera_zoom"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionExport2D(BaseModel):
"""Export a sketch to a file."""
entity_ids: List[str]
format: OutputFormat2d
type: Literal["export2d"] = "export2d"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionExport3D(BaseModel):
"""Export the scene to a file."""
entity_ids: List[str]
format: OutputFormat3d
type: Literal["export3d"] = "export3d"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionExport(BaseModel):
"""Export the scene to a file."""
entity_ids: List[str]
format: OutputFormat3d
type: Literal["export"] = "export"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetParentId(BaseModel):
"""What is this entity's parent?"""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_get_parent_id"] = "entity_get_parent_id"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetNumChildren(BaseModel):
"""How many children does the entity have?"""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_get_num_children"] = "entity_get_num_children"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetChildUuid(BaseModel):
"""What is the UUID of this entity's n-th child?"""
child_index: int
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_get_child_uuid"] = "entity_get_child_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetAllChildUuids(BaseModel):
"""What are all UUIDs of this entity's children?"""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_get_all_child_uuids"] = "entity_get_all_child_uuids"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetSketchPaths(BaseModel):
"""What are all UUIDs of all the paths sketched on top of this entity?"""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_get_sketch_paths"] = "entity_get_sketch_paths"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityGetDistance(BaseModel):
"""What is the distance between these two entities?"""
distance_type: DistanceType
entity_id1: str
entity_id2: str
type: Literal["entity_get_distance"] = "entity_get_distance"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityClone(BaseModel):
"""Create a pattern using this entity by specifying the transform for each desired repetition. Transformations are performed in the following order (first applied to last applied): scale, rotate, translate."""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["entity_clone"] = "entity_clone"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityLinearPattern(BaseModel):
"""Create a linear pattern using this entity."""
axis: Point3d
entity_id: str
num_repetitions: int
spacing: LengthUnit
type: Literal["entity_linear_pattern"] = "entity_linear_pattern"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityCircularPattern(BaseModel):
"""Create a circular pattern using this entity."""
arc_degrees: float
axis: Point3d
center: Point3d
entity_id: str
num_repetitions: int
rotate_duplicates: bool
type: Literal["entity_circular_pattern"] = "entity_circular_pattern"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityMakeHelix(BaseModel):
"""Create a helix using the input cylinder and other specified parameters."""
cylinder_id: str
is_clockwise: bool
length: LengthUnit
revolutions: float
start_angle: Angle = {"unit": "degrees", "value": 0.0} # type: ignore
type: Literal["entity_make_helix"] = "entity_make_helix"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityMakeHelixFromParams(BaseModel):
"""Create a helix using the specified parameters."""
axis: Point3d
center: Point3d
is_clockwise: bool
length: LengthUnit
radius: LengthUnit
revolutions: float
start_angle: Angle = {"unit": "degrees", "value": 0.0} # type: ignore
type: Literal["entity_make_helix_from_params"] = "entity_make_helix_from_params"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityMakeHelixFromEdge(BaseModel):
"""Create a helix using the specified parameters."""
edge_id: str
is_clockwise: bool
length: Optional[LengthUnit] = None
radius: LengthUnit
revolutions: float
start_angle: Angle = {"unit": "degrees", "value": 0.0} # type: ignore
type: Literal["entity_make_helix_from_edge"] = "entity_make_helix_from_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityMirror(BaseModel):
"""Mirror the input entities over the specified axis. (Currently only supports sketches)"""
axis: Point3d
ids: List[str]
point: Point3d
type: Literal["entity_mirror"] = "entity_mirror"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityMirrorAcrossEdge(BaseModel):
"""Mirror the input entities over the specified edge. (Currently only supports sketches)"""
edge_id: str
ids: List[str]
type: Literal["entity_mirror_across_edge"] = "entity_mirror_across_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectWithPoint(BaseModel):
"""Modifies the selection by simulating a \"mouse click\" at the given x,y window coordinate Returns ID of whatever was selected."""
selected_at_window: Point2d
selection_type: SceneSelectionType
type: Literal["select_with_point"] = "select_with_point"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectAdd(BaseModel):
"""Adds one or more entities (by UUID) to the selection."""
entities: List[str]
type: Literal["select_add"] = "select_add"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectRemove(BaseModel):
"""Removes one or more entities (by UUID) from the selection."""
entities: List[str]
type: Literal["select_remove"] = "select_remove"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSceneClearAll(BaseModel):
"""Removes all of the Objects in the scene"""
type: Literal["scene_clear_all"] = "scene_clear_all"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectReplace(BaseModel):
"""Replaces current selection with these entities (by UUID)."""
entities: List[str]
type: Literal["select_replace"] = "select_replace"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionHighlightSetEntity(BaseModel):
"""Changes the current highlighted entity to whichever one is at the given window coordinate. If there's no entity at this location, clears the highlight."""
selected_at_window: Point2d
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["highlight_set_entity"] = "highlight_set_entity"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionHighlightSetEntities(BaseModel):
"""Changes the current highlighted entity to these entities."""
entities: List[str]
type: Literal["highlight_set_entities"] = "highlight_set_entities"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionNewAnnotation(BaseModel):
"""Create a new annotation"""
annotation_type: AnnotationType
clobber: bool
options: AnnotationOptions
type: Literal["new_annotation"] = "new_annotation"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionUpdateAnnotation(BaseModel):
"""Update an annotation"""
annotation_id: str
options: AnnotationOptions
type: Literal["update_annotation"] = "update_annotation"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEdgeLinesVisible(BaseModel):
"""Changes visibility of scene-wide edge lines on brep solids"""
hidden: bool
type: Literal["edge_lines_visible"] = "edge_lines_visible"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionObjectVisible(BaseModel):
"""Hide or show an object"""
hidden: bool
object_id: str
type: Literal["object_visible"] = "object_visible"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionObjectBringToFront(BaseModel):
"""Bring an object to the front of the scene"""
object_id: str
type: Literal["object_bring_to_front"] = "object_bring_to_front"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionObjectSetMaterialParamsPbr(BaseModel):
"""Set the material properties of an object"""
ambient_occlusion: float
color: Color
metalness: float
object_id: str
roughness: float
type: Literal["object_set_material_params_pbr"] = "object_set_material_params_pbr"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionGetEntityType(BaseModel):
"""What type of entity is this?"""
entity_id: str
type: Literal["get_entity_type"] = "get_entity_type"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetAllEdgeFaces(BaseModel):
"""Gets all faces which use the given edge."""
edge_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_all_edge_faces"] = "solid3d_get_all_edge_faces"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid2DAddHole(BaseModel):
"""Add a hole to a Solid2d object before extruding it."""
hole_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid2d_add_hole"] = "solid2d_add_hole"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetAllOppositeEdges(BaseModel):
"""Gets all edges which are opposite the given edge, across all possible faces."""
along_vector: Optional[Point3d] = None
edge_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges"] = "solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetOppositeEdge(BaseModel):
"""Gets the edge opposite the given edge, along the given face."""
edge_id: str
face_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_opposite_edge"] = "solid3d_get_opposite_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetNextAdjacentEdge(BaseModel):
"""Gets the next adjacent edge for the given edge, along the given face."""
edge_id: str
face_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge"] = "solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetPrevAdjacentEdge(BaseModel):
"""Gets the previous adjacent edge for the given edge, along the given face."""
edge_id: str
face_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge"] = "solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetCommonEdge(BaseModel):
"""Gets the shared edge between these two faces if it exists"""
face_ids: List[str]
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_common_edge"] = "solid3d_get_common_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DFilletEdge(BaseModel):
"""Fillets the given edge with the specified radius."""
cut_type: CutType = "fillet" # type: ignore
edge_id: str
face_id: Optional[str] = None
object_id: str
radius: LengthUnit
tolerance: LengthUnit
type: Literal["solid3d_fillet_edge"] = "solid3d_fillet_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionFaceIsPlanar(BaseModel):
"""Determines whether a brep face is planar and returns its surface-local planar axes if so"""
object_id: str
type: Literal["face_is_planar"] = "face_is_planar"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionFaceGetPosition(BaseModel):
"""Determines a position on a brep face evaluated by parameters u,v"""
object_id: str
type: Literal["face_get_position"] = "face_get_position"
uv: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionFaceGetCenter(BaseModel):
"""Obtains the surface \"center of mass\" """
object_id: str
type: Literal["face_get_center"] = "face_get_center"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionFaceGetGradient(BaseModel):
"""Determines the gradient (dFdu, dFdv) + normal vector on a brep face evaluated by parameters u,v"""
object_id: str
type: Literal["face_get_gradient"] = "face_get_gradient"
uv: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSendObject(BaseModel):
"""Send object to front or back."""
front: bool
object_id: str
type: Literal["send_object"] = "send_object"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntitySetOpacity(BaseModel):
"""Set opacity of the entity."""
entity_id: str
opacity: float
type: Literal["entity_set_opacity"] = "entity_set_opacity"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEntityFade(BaseModel):
"""Fade entity in or out."""
duration_seconds: float = 0.4000000059604645
entity_id: str
fade_in: bool
type: Literal["entity_fade"] = "entity_fade"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMakePlane(BaseModel):
"""Make a new plane"""
clobber: bool
hide: Optional[bool] = None
origin: Point3d
size: LengthUnit
type: Literal["make_plane"] = "make_plane"
x_axis: Point3d
y_axis: Point3d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPlaneSetColor(BaseModel):
"""Set the color of a plane."""
color: Color
plane_id: str
type: Literal["plane_set_color"] = "plane_set_color"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMouseMove(BaseModel):
"""Send a mouse move event"""
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["mouse_move"] = "mouse_move"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMouseClick(BaseModel):
"""Send a mouse click event Updates modified/selected entities."""
type: Literal["mouse_click"] = "mouse_click"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSketchModeDisable(BaseModel):
"""Disable sketch mode. If you are sketching on a face, be sure to not disable sketch mode until you have extruded. Otherwise, your object will not be fused with the face."""
type: Literal["sketch_mode_disable"] = "sketch_mode_disable"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionGetSketchModePlane(BaseModel):
"""Get the plane for sketch mode."""
type: Literal["get_sketch_mode_plane"] = "get_sketch_mode_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCurveSetConstraint(BaseModel):
"""Get the plane for sketch mode."""
constraint_bound: PathComponentConstraintBound
constraint_type: PathComponentConstraintType
object_id: str
type: Literal["curve_set_constraint"] = "curve_set_constraint"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEnableSketchMode(BaseModel):
"""Sketch on some entity (e.g. a plane, a face)."""
adjust_camera: bool
animated: bool
entity_id: str
ortho: bool
planar_normal: Optional[Point3d] = None
type: Literal["enable_sketch_mode"] = "enable_sketch_mode"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionEnableDryRun(BaseModel):
"""Sets whether or not changes to the scene or its objects will be done as a \"dry run\" In a dry run, successful commands won't actually change the model. This is useful for catching errors before actually making the change."""
type: Literal["enable_dry_run"] = "enable_dry_run"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDisableDryRun(BaseModel):
"""Sets whether or not changes to the scene or its objects will be done as a \"dry run\" In a dry run, successful commands won't actually change the model. This is useful for catching errors before actually making the change."""
type: Literal["disable_dry_run"] = "disable_dry_run"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetBackgroundColor(BaseModel):
"""Set the background color of the scene."""
color: Color
type: Literal["set_background_color"] = "set_background_color"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetDefaultSystemProperties(BaseModel):
"""Set the default system properties used when a specific property isn't set."""
color: Optional[Color] = None
type: Literal["set_default_system_properties"] = "set_default_system_properties"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCurveGetType(BaseModel):
"""Get type of the given curve."""
curve_id: str
type: Literal["curve_get_type"] = "curve_get_type"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCurveGetControlPoints(BaseModel):
"""Get control points of the given curve."""
curve_id: str
type: Literal["curve_get_control_points"] = "curve_get_control_points"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionProjectEntityToPlane(BaseModel):
"""Project an entity on to a plane."""
entity_id: str
plane_id: str
type: Literal["project_entity_to_plane"] = "project_entity_to_plane"
use_plane_coords: bool
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionProjectPointsToPlane(BaseModel):
"""Project a list of points on to a plane."""
plane_id: str
points: List[Point3d]
type: Literal["project_points_to_plane"] = "project_points_to_plane"
use_plane_coords: bool
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionTakeSnapshot(BaseModel):
"""Take a snapshot of the current view."""
format: ImageFormat
type: Literal["take_snapshot"] = "take_snapshot"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMakeAxesGizmo(BaseModel):
"""Add a gizmo showing the axes."""
clobber: bool
gizmo_mode: bool
type: Literal["make_axes_gizmo"] = "make_axes_gizmo"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPathGetInfo(BaseModel):
"""Query the given path."""
path_id: str
type: Literal["path_get_info"] = "path_get_info"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPathGetCurveUuidsForVertices(BaseModel):
"""Obtain curve ids for vertex ids"""
path_id: str
type: Literal["path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices"] = (
vertex_ids: List[str]
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPathGetCurveUuid(BaseModel):
"""Obtain curve id by index"""
index: int
path_id: str
type: Literal["path_get_curve_uuid"] = "path_get_curve_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPathGetVertexUuids(BaseModel):
"""Obtain vertex ids for a path"""
path_id: str
type: Literal["path_get_vertex_uuids"] = "path_get_vertex_uuids"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPathGetSketchTargetUuid(BaseModel):
"""Obtain the sketch target id (if the path was drawn in sketchmode) for a path"""
path_id: str
type: Literal["path_get_sketch_target_uuid"] = "path_get_sketch_target_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionHandleMouseDragStart(BaseModel):
"""Start dragging the mouse."""
type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_start"] = "handle_mouse_drag_start"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionHandleMouseDragMove(BaseModel):
"""Continue dragging the mouse."""
sequence: Optional[int] = None
type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_move"] = "handle_mouse_drag_move"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionHandleMouseDragEnd(BaseModel):
"""Stop dragging the mouse."""
type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_end"] = "handle_mouse_drag_end"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionRemoveSceneObjects(BaseModel):
"""Remove scene objects."""
object_ids: List[str]
type: Literal["remove_scene_objects"] = "remove_scene_objects"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionPlaneIntersectAndProject(BaseModel):
"""Utility method. Performs both a ray cast and projection to plane-local coordinates. Returns the plane coordinates for the given window coordinates."""
plane_id: str
type: Literal["plane_intersect_and_project"] = "plane_intersect_and_project"
window: Point2d
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCurveGetEndPoints(BaseModel):
"""Find the start and end of a curve."""
curve_id: str
type: Literal["curve_get_end_points"] = "curve_get_end_points"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionImportFiles(BaseModel):
"""Import files to the current model."""
files: List[ImportFile]
format: InputFormat3d
type: Literal["import_files"] = "import_files"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetSceneUnits(BaseModel):
"""Set the units of the scene. For all following commands, the units will be interpreted as the given units. Any previously executed commands will not be affected or have their units changed. They will remain in the units they were originally executed in."""
type: Literal["set_scene_units"] = "set_scene_units"
unit: UnitLength
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMass(BaseModel):
"""Get the mass of entities in the scene or the default scene."""
entity_ids: List[str]
material_density: float
material_density_unit: UnitDensity
output_unit: UnitMass
type: Literal["mass"] = "mass"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDensity(BaseModel):
"""Get the density of entities in the scene or the default scene."""
entity_ids: List[str]
material_mass: float
material_mass_unit: UnitMass
output_unit: UnitDensity
type: Literal["density"] = "density"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionVolume(BaseModel):
"""Get the volume of entities in the scene or the default scene."""
entity_ids: List[str]
output_unit: UnitVolume
type: Literal["volume"] = "volume"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionCenterOfMass(BaseModel):
"""Get the center of mass of entities in the scene or the default scene."""
entity_ids: List[str]
output_unit: UnitLength
type: Literal["center_of_mass"] = "center_of_mass"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSurfaceArea(BaseModel):
"""Get the surface area of entities in the scene or the default scene."""
entity_ids: List[str]
output_unit: UnitArea
type: Literal["surface_area"] = "surface_area"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraFocusOn(BaseModel):
"""Focus the default camera upon an object in the scene."""
type: Literal["default_camera_focus_on"] = "default_camera_focus_on"
uuid: str
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetSelectionType(BaseModel):
"""When you select some entity with the current tool, what should happen to the entity?"""
selection_type: SceneSelectionType
type: Literal["set_selection_type"] = "set_selection_type"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetSelectionFilter(BaseModel):
"""What kind of entities can be selected?"""
filter: List[EntityType]
type: Literal["set_selection_filter"] = "set_selection_filter"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraSetOrthographic(BaseModel):
"""Use orthographic projection."""
type: Literal["default_camera_set_orthographic"] = "default_camera_set_orthographic"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraSetPerspective(BaseModel):
"""Use perspective projection."""
parameters: Optional[PerspectiveCameraParameters] = None
type: Literal["default_camera_set_perspective"] = "default_camera_set_perspective"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraCenterToSelection(BaseModel):
"""Updates the camera to center to the center of the current selection (or the origin if nothing is selected)"""
camera_movement: CameraMovement = "vantage" # type: ignore
type: Literal["default_camera_center_to_selection"] = (
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionDefaultCameraCenterToScene(BaseModel):
"""Updates the camera to center to the center of the current scene's bounds"""
camera_movement: CameraMovement = "vantage" # type: ignore
type: Literal["default_camera_center_to_scene"] = "default_camera_center_to_scene"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionZoomToFit(BaseModel):
"""Fit the view to the specified object(s)."""
animated: bool = False
object_ids: List[str] = []
padding: float = 0.0
type: Literal["zoom_to_fit"] = "zoom_to_fit"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionOrientToFace(BaseModel):
"""Looks along the normal of the specified face (if it is planar!), and fits the view to it."""
animated: bool = False
face_id: str
padding: float = 0.0
type: Literal["orient_to_face"] = "orient_to_face"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionViewIsometric(BaseModel):
"""Fit the view to the scene with an isometric view."""
padding: float = 0.0
type: Literal["view_isometric"] = "view_isometric"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSolid3DGetExtrusionFaceInfo(BaseModel):
"""Get a concise description of all of an extrusion's faces."""
edge_id: str
object_id: str
type: Literal["solid3d_get_extrusion_face_info"] = "solid3d_get_extrusion_face_info"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectClear(BaseModel):
"""Clear the selection"""
type: Literal["select_clear"] = "select_clear"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSelectGet(BaseModel):
"""Find all IDs of selected entities"""
type: Literal["select_get"] = "select_get"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionGetNumObjects(BaseModel):
"""Get the number of objects in the scene"""
type: Literal["get_num_objects"] = "get_num_objects"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionMakeOffsetPath(BaseModel):
"""Make a new path by offsetting an object by a given distance. The new path's ID will be the ID of this command."""
face_id: Optional[str] = None
object_id: str
offset: LengthUnit
type: Literal["make_offset_path"] = "make_offset_path"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionAddHoleFromOffset(BaseModel):
"""Add a hole to a closed path by offsetting it a uniform distance inward."""
object_id: str
offset: LengthUnit
type: Literal["add_hole_from_offset"] = "add_hole_from_offset"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class OptionSetGridReferencePlane(BaseModel):
"""Align the grid with a plane or a planar face."""
grid_id: str
reference_id: str
type: Literal["set_grid_reference_plane"] = "set_grid_reference_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
ModelingCmd = RootModel[