from typing import Any , Dict , Optional , Union
import httpx
from ...client import Client
from ...models.error import Error
from ...models.org_member import OrgMember
from ...models.uuid import Uuid
from ...types import Response
def _get_kwargs (
user_id : Uuid ,
* ,
client : Client ,
) -> Dict [ str , Any ]:
url = " {} /org/members/ {user_id} " . format (
client . base_url ,
user_id = user_id ,
) # noqa: E501
headers : Dict [ str , Any ] = client . get_headers ()
cookies : Dict [ str , Any ] = client . get_cookies ()
return {
"url" : url ,
"headers" : headers ,
"cookies" : cookies ,
"timeout" : client . get_timeout (),
def _parse_response ( * , response : httpx . Response ) -> Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]:
if response . status_code == 200 :
response_200 = OrgMember ( ** response . json ())
return response_200
if response . status_code == 400 :
response_4XX = Error ( ** response . json ())
return response_4XX
if response . status_code == 500 :
response_5XX = Error ( ** response . json ())
return response_5XX
return Error ( ** response . json ())
def _build_response (
* , response : httpx . Response
) -> Response [ Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]]:
return Response (
status_code = response . status_code ,
content = response . content ,
headers = response . headers ,
parsed = _parse_response ( response = response ),
def sync_detailed (
user_id : Uuid ,
* ,
client : Client ,
) -> Response [ Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]]:
kwargs = _get_kwargs (
user_id = user_id ,
client = client ,
response = httpx . get (
verify = client . verify_ssl ,
** kwargs ,
return _build_response ( response = response )
def sync (
user_id : Uuid ,
* ,
client : Client ,
) -> Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]:
"""This endpoint requires authentication by an org admin. It gets the specified member of the authenticated user's org.""" # noqa: E501
return sync_detailed (
user_id = user_id ,
client = client ,
) . parsed
async def asyncio_detailed (
user_id : Uuid ,
* ,
client : Client ,
) -> Response [ Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]]:
kwargs = _get_kwargs (
user_id = user_id ,
client = client ,
async with httpx . AsyncClient ( verify = client . verify_ssl ) as _client :
response = await _client . get ( ** kwargs )
return _build_response ( response = response )
async def asyncio (
user_id : Uuid ,
* ,
client : Client ,
) -> Optional [ Union [ OrgMember , Error ]]:
"""This endpoint requires authentication by an org admin. It gets the specified member of the authenticated user's org.""" # noqa: E501
return (
await asyncio_detailed (
user_id = user_id ,
client = client ,
) . parsed
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